Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 6 on A New Weigh

I am half way through my challenge and last week I had a little stumble or maybe a big stumble, either way I fell of the wagon and ate a whole lot of crap over the weekend. I knew it would effect my weigh in but thank the stars I didn't gain any weight, I lost 0.1kgs and 2.5cm's.

I'm still very far from my target but hoping to loose at least another 5 in the remainder of this challenge. I am still battling with the exercise, maybe it's the cold, pure laziness, me always feeling ill, having a child and little time and a little bit of hating anything vaguely sporty.

But I'm still going and still trying and that counts for something.

And my support group is kicking ass and are a lot of inspiration on all my bad days.

Go check out A New Weigh for more info and give them a like over on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so well Jess, you have a lot on the go at the moment which makes it even harder to stay focused! But I am so proud of you for keeping your eyes ahead and refusing to give up!
