Sunday, December 29, 2013

My luck with pets

I have had a bad run with pets in my life, serious bad run, maybe more unlucky for the pets I owned than for me. Not many survived and most were crazy animals. From Guinea pigs that attack you and then start loosing their hair and dying long painful deaths (then been dug up after burial by my dog) to crazy dwarf hamsters because I happened to choose the one that was blind and deaf, so if you went any where near him he would latch onto your finger and you would have to flap your hand around until he flew off with a small nibble of your finger. To choosing my beloved Sadie (they told me it was an Alsatian) it was a pavement special with a very hairy bum but also a bit on the neurotic side, with a crazy eye. Then their was Lulu, Liewe Lulu because thats the only song that could calm the aggressive cat down, he ended up with some crazy ass Surbians. Oh yes then their was Jappie my duck, he lasted 24 hours, I forgot ducks need water and took it away because he kept wetting himself and I would have to dry him because his mom would normally do that, any way the first night he kept banging his head on the box and making a noise, probably because he was dying of thirst, so I put him in the cupboard because I couldn't get any sleep with all the racket. As you can tell I am not one who should actually own or choose pets.

I am hoping with Frankie it will be different because I didn't choose him and Bradley got him from a proper breeder. He is an Angora Dwarf Bunny. Don't worry so far he is still breathing, always has water and food and I clean his cage and love him so.

So introducing our new family member, Frankie (may he live a long and happy life)

Love from Bear

Christmas Celebrations

I have told you all before how much I LOVE Christmas, I love how we all forced to love each other, how we all forced to get together, I love all the cheesy traditions and I love all the Jingle bells and Stars at the top of all the pretty Christmas trees.

A tradition we grew up with was on Christmas Eve we get together with my mom's side of the family and have a bit of a feast. This year was a bit bitter sweet, my granny is on her last days and at last minute changes the venue changed from one home to my grannies as she was to sick to move. So all the cheesy decorations and festivities were not there and at first I felt a little heart sore but after going I realised, Christmas is still magic without all the marketing, it's about love and it is about family and it was one of the best yet.

Christmas Day we woke up to cookies and presents with Aiden and followed it with a relaxed and chilled prawn and wors braai at my parents place. 

I love my family, they are my whole world, every day of the year.

My Moms Christmas tree

My dessert

My Moms dessert

Love from Bear

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Garden of Lights

I've been wanting to go for years, but could never find some one who was willing to stand in the long queues and take part in some cheesy Christmas cheer. 

Luckily I finally found some one who will finally do stuff like this with me. That was the best part of it to be honest, that I realised I found some one who is willing to do things for me regardless of whether they want to or not.

It was a fun family outing and the rain held out till we left.

Love from Bear

Monday, December 23, 2013

My first silly New Years resolution

Over at Fat Mum Slim, every month she puts up a Photo a Day challenge. I always try take part but I am yet to complete a challenge, I miss a day and my OCD kicks in and I can't seem to carry on. This month I totally failed and only did one day.

So my first resolution for the New Year is to complete a Fat Mum Slim Photo a day challenge.

Here is the one for January if you want to join in.

 January Photo A Day Challenge List 2014

Love from Bear