Monday, April 14, 2014

A New Weigh

Today is the start of my A New Weigh 12 week challenge! I am so excited and so scared all at the same time.

I have never eally struggled with my weight till last year when in 6 months I picked up 10kgs for no reason at all, my doctor tested for everything and eventually diagnosed me with Insulin Resistance and put me on diabetic meds and sent me to a dietitian, I managed to loose 5kgs there but then my body just stopped and I lost moral to carry on and in the last 3 months picked it all up again and screwed up my insulin levels all over again and if I carry on this way I will end up being diabetic.

And so I start a new journey and a new challenge to try correct my heads way of seeing food and fitness.

I will catch up with you weekly on how it is going and how I am loosing and after 12 weeks will share with closed eyes my before shots and hopefully amazing after shots.

Here's to a new me.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you every bit of success on this journey :)
