It's been a while since my last post, sometimes I just don't know what to write about, sometimes life is just not exciting, sometimes I just don't have the time and right now I'm kinda going through a transition period, where my whole life is evolving into a new one and I don't quite know where I stand with everything. So I'll do a little catch up, hopefully with some intrigue to keep you reading.
I got a new job, yes I am still running my company on the side but I went and got myself a 9-5 job for the first time in my life. It's quite an adjustment. Not really working in an office or with so many people, that part I am loving and learning all the new things and the fact that it's in the fashion industry is a dream come true. The part I am struggling with is the times, working 9-5, that's the biggest knock, not having the freedom to go when I am done or when I am having a bad day and want the afternoon off. I can't any more and that's hard but I am adjusting.
Aiden is growing quicker than I can keep track of, for the first time I can say I am really loving this age. Yes he has tantrums and he is defiant and a little devil most days but his personality is so big and his imagination runs at such a pace and I am loving watching him turn into this unique little soul. Now to just get him to sleep at night, that would be great.
Relationships....oh relationships, they are so hard don't you think, people spend their whole lives wanting love but it probably is the hardest thing in life to get right. That's all I have to say about that other than love is good, it's always good in the end.
I am looking for a new little home...again...I really hate real estate agents and searching and searching and searching for a home but I need to, living with my parents although I appreciate it, it isn't good for me or Aiden.
See that's all I can really tell you. Life is just a bit mundane at the moment.
Love from Bear