Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I am struggling with motherhood right now

We all know it's not easy being a mom, it is the greatest gift in the world, the most incredible love you will ever experience but also one of the biggest tests of your strength, patience and sanity.

And right now it's testing me and pushing my boundaries and my patience is non existent.

Aiden is an extrovert, he loves attention and 24 hour play time with some one, you will never find him quietly playing with his toys or using his imagination to invent his own games. He wants you to join in every second of it. 

Right now, he is like my shadow, I fall over him while I cook, have him follow me every time I need to take a pee, I constantly have cars being driven up my legs and dinosaurs shoved in my face with roar sound effects and I am tired.

In between the constant entertainment he is craving right now, the terrible two's have appeared with full force and tantrums are a 100 time a day occurrence. He throws things and breaks things and lays on the ground screaming.

It probably is also because all these little things that are probably normal motherhood issue, they just all piled up on the wrong time and a very stressful time.

I know I need to find the patience inside of me, leave the stress and worries at the door at night and focus my full attention on me wee boy but right now I am struggling with being a mom.

Right now I wish I could just be me, just for a little while.

Love from Bear

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