Tuesday, December 17, 2013

When your doctor tells you...

When your doctor tells you it's not your fault you fat but you going to have to work twice as hard to loose the weight as any other person, as first you need to always be leveling your insulin levels and then only your body can loose weight.

I didn't put too much weight on during pregnancy and I lost quite a bit of it over Aidens first year but at the beginning of this year I started picking up a bit. So I went on a diet, a few diets, from natural clean eating to starving myself with shakes and instead of loosing I gained and gained and gained.

In the space of 7 months I gained 9kg's!!!

I knew something couldn't be right so we ran some tests thinking maybe a thyroid problem but nope, I am Insulin Resistance, in another term Pre-diabetic.

Now its great having your doctor telling you it's not your fault you fat but not so great when they tell you, you going to have to work your backside off to reverse the diagnosis and to loose the weight.

And they weren't joking.

The last 6 months I have been healthier than I have ever been, I even go to gym a few times a week, okay there are times I have fallen off the wagon buy in general I have been following my strict rules of being diabetic.

It's taken 6 months to loose 5kgs and it's tough to stay motivated when it comes off so slowly but if I think if in another 6 months I will have lost 10kgs it keeps me going.

Insulin Resistance is on the rise and lots of woman have it without knowing and if you wait to long it will turn to diabetes, go get tested and while you at it do the whole mammogram and all the others we supposed to do.

Love from Bear

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