Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Potty training debacle continued

I wouldn't say it's getting easier or that we getting it right but my child does wear underpants most parts of the day.

Yes I'm cleaning lots of puddles off the floor.

No he isn't really phased whether he makes it to the potty in the time.

And yes I have scooped poop up off the floor.

Motherhood is really glamorous at the best of times.

I told his school if they want pull up nappies they more than welcome to buy them but I can't afford them and they not helping my son learn he needs to use a toilet.

I had he wonderful sperm donor tell me I am a bad mother because he is still in nappies, thats what he tells me when he hasn't seen his son for over a year but hey who cares what he thinks any ways.

Going to make a rewards chart thingy and give him treats when he gets it right, maybe that will work. Maybe not. But will try it.

All in all it is getting better.

I think.

Well I am not so stressed out over it any more, we all eventually learn to use a toilet,right.

Love from Bear


  1. Just this morning, I had to scoop poop from off the floor, half on the floor and half in the potty! But everytime something goes in the potty is a win in my book! It gets better with time, just hang in there! I am doing the reward thing at this stage and I praise so much, and it really seems to work! Holding thumbs for you!

  2. *hugs* Just keep on going. I promise it does get better!! And yes, reward chart is an awesome idea, just keep it simply? For every 3rd star / sticker / whatever he gets a treat? BUT when he poops it's STRAIGHT on to the treat. That worked for us. Good luck! O yes, and weekends, when at home.... NO CLOTHES to be worn.
