In a little over a month you will be turning 3, I don't know how it all went so fast and every day you become more of a little person and a little less of my little baby. I remember your early arrival as if was yesterday, how you came 3 weeks ahead of time and forced mommy into labour before she was ready. I remember crying and telling granny I am not ready to be a mom, telling the nurses to wait a little longer while they rushed me to prep for surgery. I remember listening to your heart beat on the moniter and wishing I could just hear you inside me for another few weeks, worrying about the fact that I did't have a hospital bag packed, or that I didn't know how to change your nappy or even dress you.

But you didn't care, you wanted out and then you were here, my gorgeous little boy who made me whole, who filled my soul and mended all the holes I had in my life. You arrived and gave me a reason to make each day count as if it was the last.

The last 3 years have been such a journey, putting aside that you never sleep through the night, your defying little attitude and your temper tantrums that you perform perfectly, you are the sweetest little boy and your personality shines to bright. The way you say "Yes" in your little British accent and how you over pronounce your "are's", the way you want someone with you always and how you ask us all to come play with you. The way you love weetbix and only eat sausages and Mac n cheese, how you tell me your tea is not hot it is just warm and that it is made up of "water, milk, tea, sugar and strawberries"

How you love Toolucas (Toothless) from How to train a dragon and how he can't swim because he is not a fish, he is a dragon, how you will watch any dinosaur movie on repeat and always need the appropriate toy to every movie.

The way your boast and are so proud when you wee wee on the grass and how you love swimming and the joy on your face when you get to play in water.
Your love for your grandparents and Aunty Coco and Uncle Keithy.

Your timid smile when your first get to school and how your run and jump into my arms when I get a chance to fetch you from school.

You are a ray of sunshine and even though you are growing up way to fast and I wish I could keep you a little boy forever, I am your biggest fan and supporter, you make me proud and you complete me.
So to another glorious year of being your mom and being blessed to be the one getting to raise you, I love you my dear boy. You are the smile on my face and the last laugh of my day.

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