Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Beginning

Bear = a nickname only the closest of closest people call me, it's a name that represents who I once was and who I am still deep down inside somewhere.

I am a 'single' mom to a 2 year old little boy, we have just moved in with the love of my life and my life is finally falling into place. This space is my space, a space for me to find myself again, it's my time out and about my journey about sometimes putting me first.

Some where along the line of being a mommy I have forgotten who I am and lost what I loved in life. So now I pick up the pieces, rebuild them and reshape who I am as a mother, a daughter, a sister and a lover but most importantly who I am as me.

There will be pieces on being a mommy and pieces on being in a relationship, there will be pieces on new things to do and try, pamper products and easy and quick ways to make yourself feel good again, there will even be recipes, healthy recipes of course as I have recently been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance and seeing as I am no cook or baker, only recipes for dummies will be placed here.

I will be open and honest but bare in mind this is supposed to be my happy place so sometimes it will be overly fluffy but with a little bit of a twist and pieces on my diagnosis of Bi-polar disorder.

I have had two blogs before, starting as Miss Preggy and then From There to Hear, both will be shut down as they hold on to so much of the bad things that have happened in my life. Things and people that I have chosen to forgive and let go of.

So here's to finding my happiness and awakening my soul and seeing life through new eyes.

Love from Bear

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